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AXA Investment Managers: Invitation to our Luxembourg expert lunch on social bonds

AXA Investment Managers: Invitation to our Luxembourg expert lunch on social bonds

                              ACT for Social Transition

                                      Luxembourg - Thursday, March 31, 2022

The social dimension of the transition is one of the keys to a more sustainable economy. Today, investing is about supporting sustainable activities and delivering positive social impact, while benefiting from greater transparency as issuers undertake to track every project funded and quantify their impact.

                                         Register now

                                              (for professional investors only)

When:  Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 12:15 pm

Where: Hotel Le Royal***** 12 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg


  • Johann Plé, Senior Portfolio Manager, AXA IM
  • Jürgen Hammer, Managing Director at Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) Europe

                                                 Johann Plé & Jürgen Hammer

                                           Register now

                                                  (for professional investors only)

   UNICEF     AXA IM pledges to donate €50 to UNICEF Luxembourg per guest attending this expert lunch.

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